Tuesday 13 January 2015

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)

Supta Virasana in Restorative Yoga Class

Named after Virasana, which means hero, the pose is meant to copy the courageousness and valor of a hero. In Supta Virasana or reclining hero, the front body is exposed and it creates space in the torso. This pose is a counter pose to the stress resulting from our daily lives, where majority of our times are spent behind the desk or in the car or other seated position that overwork and strain our back and tighten our hips and legs. 

Many find this pose challenging, especially those who are tight in the quadriceps muscle group, hamstring and psoas. Use of yoga props such as bolsters, blanket, blocks and belt, are recommended. This would enable one to take the practise step by step as the body gradually adjusts to the stretch.

While this pose is good for abdominal stretch, back and legs stretch as well as chest opener, Supta Virasana is also a restorative pose. Performed with abdominal breathing, this pose can be very calming and extremely effective in promoting relaxation and reducing stress. As with many front body opening poses, Supta Virasana may also invite certain hidden emotions or feelings to the surface. As the body opens, the heart may follow suits and thus the process of letting go begins.

More detailed benefits of Supta Virasana are as follow:
  • Stretch of abdominal muscles that improve digestion, preventing bloating and diarhea, which is why it is good to be practised after meals,      
  • A good stretch on quadriceps, hamstrings, hip extensors and psoas muscles to relieve weary legs and increases flexibility,
  • Counteracts our tendency to hunch, due to all day working at a desk or in front a computer, by opening the chest,
  • Once a yogi can relax into this pose, a deep relaxation can be reached.

In the beginning, it is suggested to stay in this pose for one-two minutes. Then it should gradually increase to ten-fifteen minutes. This pose is often regarded as intermediate pose and it can be difficult for a beginner to stay for a longer period. Teachers’ assistants with the use of yoga props are very helpful in doing the pose and benefit from it.

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